Welcome to Triangle Studio Stavanger!
A beautiful space by the sea, you will immediately feel the calm as you walk in!
Learn, be Inspired by, and Connect with others
Our handpicked tutors specialise in subjects ranging from Dance classes, Singing Lessons, Business to Yoga, from Corporate Stress Management, to Video and Audio recording, to Marketing courses!
How we choose our activities
As long as the trainings benefit people in Stavanger, boosting their confidence, & wellbeing, it happens here!
We believe in helping people learn to follow their aims and passions.
Whether that is to feel happy, healthy, financially thrive, or simply sing a song in public...
International workshops
We are situated a 20 minute drive away from Stavanger airport in Norway,
with direct flights from all over Europe and have activities in the week and at weekends.
We provide experiences for attendees
"Transformation, Confidence, Calm, Focus, Expression, Movement,
Creativity, Learning, Fun, Relaxation, Dance & Music!"
The activities at Triangle Studio seamlessly integrate the wisdom
of today's foremost spiritual and psychological thought leaders,
offering a unique mix of individual participation to the people who come here.
Chip Jenkins is Triangle Studio's founder.